Mark has installed over 500 new floors in existing and new homes and is familiar with all on-site conditions.
Years ago, hardwood floors were hand-nailed, with nails 12-18 inches apart. Now with modern air-driven tools, 2 inch staples are placed 6-8 inches apart. Your floor will be sanded with state-of-the-art dust collecting sanders greatly reducing clean up in your home.
The installation process begins by measuring moisture in the house after the interior painting has been completed and after the basement cement has cured for over 45 days. After painting, your subfloor will absorb moisture and will grow to over 20% moisture content. This moisture must be expelled from the house by use of dehumidifiers and heat in winter months or air conditioning in summer months. It usually takes one week for this to occur. The subfloor moisture must be reduced to 14% before wood can be delivered to jobsite for acclimation. Wood then will acclimate for 4-7 days. Installation will begin when subfloor has reached 12%.
Mark will monitor the moisture during this process every few days to determine when to proceed. This process cannot be hurried. Excessive moisture in the house is the number one problem experienced in new contstruction.